gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

almost there

Spent the early portion of the day meandering through art exhibitions with Rick Brettell. Turned in my "Cultural Diplomacy" paper and felt wonderful as that burden lifted away. Now, only one more left....

Although I still need to make sure it'll be allright to work on my Portfolio Paper over the summer...

Shalom and I'm thankful for anyone who has the desire to read this!


Sunday, April 23, 2006

return to writing (ho-ee-yigh-ee-yigh--oh-hieyeeyiyeyyaye)

J:"How many pages?"
Me:"I'm not doing that, I'm blogging."
J:"Kenny Loggins?"

I'm spending so much time on the computer that I thought I'd post a message to my nonexistent audience. I'm in medias res again, film and the holocaust and international art exhibitions. Two separate topics, two separate classes. The semester coming to a close, again, and I'm feeling tired. There never seems to be enough time. But, I have started going on daily walks with Gina, and, somehow, that seems to have been able to make everything else in the world seem secondary and not even that big of a deal. I'm thankful for that.

Nothin' but the blood of Jesus...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

On Teaching

MK O'Malley writes:

"Respect is another element vital to the successful learning environment. It is gained in a unique way—in the same way as many other positive qualities (honor, nobility, etc.). It is not something that can be demanded, requested or asked for; as the cliche goes: respect must be earned (indeed, cliches becomes cliches because most often they are factually based.) I do not believe in revoking either respect or humility when they lack in a student or even an entire class. If a teacher comes to this point, then all is lost. If one plans to follow a code of ethics yet rejects it once strife ensues, what is the point?"

I read this and thought...hmm, I wonder what it's actually like to be up there--on that stage, that center ring of the arena, projecting information, ideas, passion, fascination, horror, confusion, struggle, discovery, adventure, and failure?

I can't wait, though. I can't wait.

I will begin again...I will begin, again.

Monday, April 03, 2006


I believe that it is impossible to stay up-to-date with life.
So much happens overnight, that whenever I try to write (might kite flight)
I'm lost, thinking I've gotta backtrack, I've gotta cover so much ground...
And it's still quite odd that I've no idea who will even read these words!

I'ts April now, and perhaps I'll spend a month in Deutschland this summer.
Perhaps we'll be moving again; perhaps we'll be engaged in a brand new phase of our life.
Who knows... Maybe I'll be awarded a T.A.; maybe I'll get the Marburg Scholarship.
Maybe I'll get my flight paid for? Hallelujah, all the time.

In a little while, surely you'll be mine
In a little while I'll be there