@ the office
Soon I'll head downstairs to get my lunch/dinner and eat before class starts. I'm excited--this is going to be an important semester. One in which I'll finish my portfolio papers....which sounds strange because I can barely see the edge of the horizon on the second paper.
I'm just really blessed, and at this very moment, that's the best word, the most fitting. The office is all set up--got my new water boiler, my mini-French Press and my coarse-ground Christmas blend...a basket of snacks to share with my other office dwellers and the occasional guest. And I'm about to order my books for the semester. So, just a brief message out into the world of gedachtnis....
Labels: UTD
you update this thing about as often as i do mine
in fact i went a whole year last year without a single post
bah www.herchen.com if you're bored
Herchenroder, at 9:48 AM, August 20, 2007
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