Spiegelslust Turm

-visit the AquaMar
-go to the castle
-shop @ ______ (name deleted in order to protect the identity of any gifts from the birthday girl)
-find Birkenstocks
-shop for pens
-Stationery store
-follow the river
-hike to tower
-meander around the Oberstadt
-walk to Elizabethkirche
(yes, these items are listed on my W. C. Card)
So some of them I've done, one of them was today--the tower. We thought it was going to be much longer of a hike to get's not that it's long, just VERY steep. My knees were burning! But the view from the top? Holy Monkey Machine! Unbelievable.
So I did some laundry today, (2 Euro each load) and also got another letter from Gina (that makes 4!). German class is getting annoying, because there's only two of us who are really interested in learning German, it seems. (Yep, that' me and James, the two Grahduate Shtudents (say it like we're from Haaahhhh-vahd) So I'll be working on major German work tonight. Isn't it great that I'm saying this at 10 30 at night? Ha! The night is young!
Most of the other students are out at a bar/club called...wait for it.... "Fun Park" Yeah, incredibly German, I know what you're thinking. But, as most of you know, bars aren't my favorite place to be! So I'm at home, typing, laundering, studying... I made a great dinner after I got back form the hike (pictures will be after all of these words): it wasn't THE sandwich, Jimmy, Gina.....but it was the Deutsch equivalent.....minus the bacon... It was daggum good, though. (If anyone wants to know what THE sandwich is, ask Erica, she's got my copy of Spanglish) I'm thinking of cooking tomorrow night....but I've got to ask Gina if I can take more money from the ATM....I keep running out of money; trying to eat healthy gets quite expensive in Germany...if only because the ice cream, which is incredibly cheap and really good, is also incredibly good and really cheap. Hope that's clear.
Ok, time for more pictures. (It's raining again)
Up at the top is me, being me.
Below is me shooting at Marburg, then another of me aiming, and finally the view. If anyone has any questions, go ahead and leave a comment! Shalom!

Wow....You can barely make anything out...The bottom right corner is where I live. I'm standing at the top of a can probably tell how high it is from the absence of detail on most of the buildings in the distance. There's a small tower of some sort in the left part of the picture, and that's the area where most of the ISU action taks place....I'll try to post some more pictures later. Goodnight!
Oooh, presents for me! and the stationary store? YEAH! and yes, come home fast and cook me some food!! I miss your sauces and grilling expertise... no way was I going to attempt the grilling without you....
and did you take that last picture? the awesome looking one of the panorama? Or did i take that?? hahaha
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM, August 15, 2006
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