gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Sunday, August 06, 2006

"Not Tonight"

One long night is over, one long night,
But more remain. One night
Is not enough; restrain the eye,
Retrain the eye, without another night
With you in view, without another night
For far more nights than I
Would like to count.

The night comes so quickly,
Lingers far too long.
Days are easy; they are busy and
Go by so easily, easily.
Another day is gone, another day has passed.
Another day will get me closer to you,
But not tonight.

Nighttime beckons familiar
Feelings, “Come and be warmed
By the fire.” But nighttime’s veil of
Darkness hides the heat of even your flame,
Unkindled, unfanned, unsparked.

This Marburg night seems innocent, seems
Kind to me, soft breeze and dim light.
Another night enticing me
To write: to you, to me, to everyone
In between. Another night, another week,--
Another and another--I’ll be home,
But not tonight.

(I wrote this on July 30, in reference to the long, sad first night I had here in Marburg)



  • I saw a tear in your wife's eyes on the evening of the 2nd. She misses you most at night...

    Come home soon

    1/2 ers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:26 AM, August 07, 2006  

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