29 Juli, 1:29 am, nach eine Reise nach Frankfurt
I’ve been listening to Sarah (the witch, Jimmy) while cleaning my room. It sounds strange to write that. I’ve saved the desk for last, and now I just feel like typing a bit before I continue. It’s after one in the morning. Tomorrow I don’t have anything important to do in the a.m., so I don’t mind being up now. James is out at the bars, with a group of other ISU students from our building.
The weather has changed here like it does in
I got stung by a bee today. Or maybe a wasp, or maybe a hornet, or maybe a terrorist. I don’t know; I never saw my assailant. I panicked, somewhat, but regained my sense of “I am o.k.” about an hour or so later. Unfortunately, the sting impeded my career by keeping me out of the Jewish Museum of Frankfurt. I sort of think I’d had had a better time by myself; then we wouldn’t have been in the are where I got stung, but that’s like wishing you’d taken 635 when you’re already on 114. So it’s pointless. This is not a very good entry, primarily because I am tired. It’s actually starting to hurt my finger to type (where the evil killer got me), so I think I’ll just let
Danke Schön. Tscüß!
"I’d had had a better time by myself" .........have has has do does did......
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM, August 03, 2006
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