gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

On Teaching

MK O'Malley writes:

"Respect is another element vital to the successful learning environment. It is gained in a unique way—in the same way as many other positive qualities (honor, nobility, etc.). It is not something that can be demanded, requested or asked for; as the cliche goes: respect must be earned (indeed, cliches becomes cliches because most often they are factually based.) I do not believe in revoking either respect or humility when they lack in a student or even an entire class. If a teacher comes to this point, then all is lost. If one plans to follow a code of ethics yet rejects it once strife ensues, what is the point?"

I read this and thought...hmm, I wonder what it's actually like to be up there--on that stage, that center ring of the arena, projecting information, ideas, passion, fascination, horror, confusion, struggle, discovery, adventure, and failure?

I can't wait, though. I can't wait.

I will begin again...I will begin, again.


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