gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Friday, August 11, 2006

evening serenade

The clouds are rolling past, swirling in numerous hues of blue, grey, and white. I love this time of the day in Marburg: after eight o'clock, yet the lighting seems perfect for a long stroll with a camera in hand. But I can't go anywhere right now. It's too cool outside, anyways. Overnight low is 49. Plus, I'm organizing items on my desk, writing an email to my mother-in-law, and pondering what will be for dinner. All the while, I'm listening to the soundtrack of this very moment. How often it seems like his words were written just for me, for the exact moment I hear them. Today is something good, indeed.

"Looking out into the horizon, seems like forever's not so far away now.
Never could I peer through my window, it was covered by a wooden square.
Maybe there's a reason for living; I'd like to look into forever's bright blue eyes.
Playing my guitar by the water, seems like the ocean is listening to me.
Singing of the love of my Savior, confident feeling, that He's right beside me.
Falling into my tribulation, one hand holding on to revelation."

I can't help but fall in love with every song he's written each time I listen to one. This was written something like nine years ago, but somehow it worked just then, as the sky swirled, and this city on a mountain seemed to listen to it, too. I wonder what Marburg thinks of your music, Ricky...



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