Feeling homesick...
Took a short trip to the Hauptbahnhof today, with James. We walked Susanne to her train, she's going home for a week or so, to Koblenz. It was my first time there since I arrived in Marburg; it felt weird to be there again, remembering the initial thoughts as I looked over my new "home" back on 24 July. I was glad, because I was also there to purchase my ticket back to FRA, which of course will take me back home to you.
I just made dinner. Spinach-stuffed tortellini with roasted chicken in a mushroom cream sauce, fresh grated parmesan on top. What a friggin chef. It's tough trying to work within constraints here, but perhaps it's making me a better cook, having to improvise with nearly no tools. I use the same object to chop onions, crush garlic, stir vegetables, swirl pasta in the pot, cut into the chicken to check for temp., and slice bread. I live in luxury in Grapevine, I realize this now.
I'm at the same place I was two weeks ago: typing onto the blog instead of working on my presentation for tomorrow. This class is really not a big deal at all. I hate to say it, but it's true. It's somewhat entertaining, and I'm usually one of the most vocal participants in discussions. But then again, I'm usually trying to make everyone laugh... Today the discussion centered around "Memes". Anyone know what a meme is? It's a concept derived from "genes", except instead of referring to biology, it refers to mental constructs--ideas, ideologies, religious theories, etc. A Meme also derives, etymologically, from mimesis, another word for "imitation". That's the foundation of this concept: a Meme is something someone does or says, which they have learned by watching someone else do it. Then the new Meme host can pass it on. Holiday traditions, for example, are "memes". I see a tradition observed in my family, and I do it when I have a family of my own--I've contributed to the evolution of a Meme. Is this weird? Yeah. Is it pointless? Yeah, I think so.
So my presentation tomorrow will center not on memes or anything of the sort, but "multiculturalism" and what it is...what it isn't...why it's evil and/or why it's great. The trouble is, I've not yet decided on an answer to any of those questions! I have a couple articles I've read, and hopefully going over them again will situate me more solidly. But I'm still just procrastinating--even if I try to make my blog about my homework. I can't even fool myself...I guess that means I'm a graduate student. Soooo smart.
James watched me cook tonight, asking questions like, "Why do you shake the pan like that?"
"Because it's fun," I responded. "Sometimes, I think amateur cooks feel like they've gotta be doing something or the food won't really cook."
I felt the way you, Brian, must feel all the time. Me standing there, watching, learning. MEME-ing for God's sake, freakin laserbeems I can't escape those Memes. They're like the Langoliers, I swear! Watch out, they're coming to take today away and lock you into perpetual yesterday; little metal balls of gnashing teeth with no heart and no soul, run for your lives!
It's One Thirty in Grapevine. I think of who's there, what they're doing. And I think of who's not there. Who's on their way there--from Florida and also from Germany... I think of a lot today, because I'm feeling a little homesick. Would anyone mind if I type the lyrics to what I just heard as I wrote that last sentence? No? Good.
"So I'll sing a song of my hometown; breathe the air and walk the streets.
Maybe find a place to sit and read. But the ants are welcome company..."
For those who don't know, it's one of my favorite songs, and it's always brought nostalgiac thoughts of "home". Usually it's Por'ey Lou (Port St. Lucie in laymans terms), but while I'm here in Germany it's really just America. Could be in Florida, could be in Grapevine. Could be sitting in my car outside St. Paul Professional Building, waiting for a beautiful nurse to catch my stare, and perhaps return it. Maybe she'll come over, I think to myself. Maybe we'll even have lunch together. Maybe she'll not want to leave my side; we'll spend all day together and sleep in the same bed that night.
These are just thoughts, distant thoughts of a distant place. But it is a reality nonetheless, a reality that's waiting for me when I get back home...
It's great that we can be homesick together... I can say that now since you will be home in a few days! It has been an adventure for us and I have learned so much about you and really seen how much you love living with me and also how much you care about me. Your actions and words online have really spoken to my heart and I appreciate you so much. Hurry home!
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM, August 15, 2006
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