gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Monday, November 13, 2006


As soon as I get it in the mail (maybe today maybe tomorrow), I want you to set your eyes on it until the last page. It's something I think we can share in and enjoy together having both read it. I might buy it as a present for everyone I know. It's unassuming, nothing spectacular, nothing famous, and then it slowly just creeps into your heart and you feel perfectly satisfied, with a little bit of yearning and longing left on the tip of your tongue, but unsure how to express it and not so certain it even needs expressing.
I want to write a book like that, that could take people in, warmly, without generating the sort of sappy criticism a book like Mitch Albom's would. This book, Five Photos of My Wife, remains a well-written, almost classic style of literature, never dipping or ducking below the surface of even academic-expert standards, and yet it still takes you by the heart and not the mind.