Royal Palms, part i

"I will sing of Your mercy that leads me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy"
It's hard for me to focus and write with Jars singing to me in the background...
But here I am, at the Royal Palms Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona.
It's my anniversary. Today. Three Years! It's incredible that it's been that long, already. Gina just mentioned to me that it feels like we could say "Remember last year at our wedding.."
But alas, three years have indeed passed by, with three years of memories remaining, and the repercussions of those years still left over: the newness of Texas is wearing off, and we're forced to contemplate whether we'll stay for another five years...the reminder of how wonderful Gainesville was comes almost daily in the form of a phone call from a Watson or a Traxler or, of course, lewis or the Chef.
But for now, I suppose I'll explore the grounds of this resort at the base of Camelback Mountain...It's serenly beautiful here; I can't imagine actually living here...
I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of this day, and I'm thankful to the Lord that He has made this day, and made it good.