gedachtnis:: in Deutschland

Friday, November 25, 2005

libeskind on the brain

time is running short; my paper is much shorter.
at least i've come up with an outline:
I. Intro to the JM Berlin
II. A Walk-through
III. Interpretations
IV. Conclusions: considering relationships

my thoughts center around the notion of the subject and the subject-position in relation to the traditional museum and its exhibitionary spaces; in the JM Berlin this position is subverted and the individual, or spectator, becomes the subject of the museum. This theme exists as a sort of counterpoint to the history of Jews in Germany simultaneously being presented in the museum. An investigation of the relationships that then develop between Libeskind's voids and the exhibit, the exhibit and the spectator, and the story of the spectator's experience and that of the dead experienced vicariously through the presentation of their history is what will ultimately be the main undertaking of my paper.

Read no more--look!
Look no more--go!


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